Wednesday, October 29, 2008

And we are bigger...again

No. 4 is created.

Zaps the life outta me. High on supplements everyday to beat the exhaustion (keeps me almost on my feet, kinda focused and erm able to converse like a being again... so that's erm, good. Better than lying prostrate the entire day.)

Am not exaggerating about lying prostrate the entire day either. Ask my parents. I think they think I'm dying but they don't say it out loud in case it comes true.

I have to remember these things. The difficulty of life when life is created. I must remember that much as I feel blessed and love these 'things' to bits, I must preserve MY life. It really really feels like I'm being zapped dry. A breathing thing lying prostrate. Not much good. Laundry undone for 4 days straight. Dishes undone. Kids playing by themselves all the time.....wondering why the autonomy?

But enough with complaints.

Gemma or Oliver. We can't wait.


Blogger HairyDonut said...

Clover? Aubrey?

3:54 AM  
Blogger knobby said...

congrats gwem! haven't been here in a while so didn't realise. btw, the prostate is a male gland. haha

HD, are you naming a horse??

7:09 PM  

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