Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Pride & Prayers

Pose of the day. My baby is growing more cheeky by the day. Her temper tantrums are also more vile. Today she stood solitaire several times for more than a couple of seconds each time. It's amazing to watch her improve. Tapped her hand tersely today for ignoring my instructions to leave the wires, cords and sockets alone. She's testing boundaries real fast. And, honest to goodness, her thighs are majorly strong. I give up diapering her. Maybe she's asking to be toilet-trained. Ha. Love her to bits. My Kyrah-rah.

My sweetheart. It's impossible to take any pictures of him of late. He has grown not so much camera-shy as vain I think. He only allows photography when he's in one of his kung-fu stances. You'll see. This is a shot of him after he lodged a complaint about how face-paints are not nice. The tiger never emerged...Alas! I believe this is the only picture I'll ever get of him with his face "tainted" with paint this entire life-time. I love my man to bits.

He's down with something today. Couldn't finish off his swim-class coz he felt way too cold. He threw up his dinner (which I managed to get him to swallow as a trade-off for allowing him to watching "Once upon a time in China III"). His temperature's so high, I did the suppository thing again. When he's too weak to protest and to squeeze the suppository back out, we know he's really sick. Darn. I pray my baby gets well quick.


Blogger hon said...

Yo! How's Gareth? Is he any better now?

1:50 AM  
Blogger gremlin said...

Yes, Gareth's good but Kyra's down. She has it bad in terms of the mouth ulcers - so many and so angry looking. She didn't nurse at all the whole of yesterday and last sooo worried. Am majorly engorged too - ouch. Afraid she'd dehydrate....been trying to force feed her with syringe etc...not working. But she seems better today....been napping for hours.....better go check that she's ok actually. update you later.

9:52 AM  
Blogger hon said...

Omigoodness! I had exactly the same thing as Kyra just a month ago. It was SOOOO BLOODY PAINFUL! Even breathing was bad (esp ntites) cos my entire throat was riddled with a gazillion ulcers. And the doctor refused to give me a pain relief cos I wasn't eating well. It was called herpangina - a cousin of HFMD. VERY contagious. So be careful. It takes about 7 days for the entire virus to run its course.

9:30 PM  
Blogger gremlin said...

Doctors here are different. They check, then tell you the kiddo's ok, then that's it. No medication unless you ask. Oftentimes, it's Tylenol for fever, for pain relief, for flu, for everything under the sun. So...good thing is...unless your child is seriously ill....they won't alarm you unnecessarily. I can be doctor also see - "Oh [said with the most dead-pan face], she's fine. Just a virus. Lots of fluids and rest. Should be ok in a couple of days." She's ok now although still grumpy-ish. :) thanks dears! darleeng - it's you Lynda-darleeng! how could I hv not known?! Howz your pregnancy going? Tell me more!!!! honey, lucky caitcait dint catch it from you. that would have been distressful.

9:47 AM  

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