Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Some boy took my son down in the park today and scratched his face. It was apparently completely unprovoked.

The teacher said she gave him many hugs to calm him down.

My Man said he was so angry, the teacher asked him to punch her instead.

I was a picture of the perfectly calm being. Very unmotherly-like. Alsolutely civil and understanding. Almost a saint. Of course I insisted the boy's parents be alerted to it and that it never recurs. But it was a very controlled conversation with my then, very vulnerable son in my arms.

Back home, my husband got an earful. Of how I would get my hands on that brat and wring his neck, and smash his face in the mud, and stomp on those vicious tiny hands so bad they'd bleed....

My husband could think of doing worse...but that's just us fantasising.

My Man understands the situation as "Perhaps he has a nasty big brother at home who does nasty things to him and so he's an angry boy. And angry boys act naughty in school. I think he's just unhappy. Your scratch will heal, look, it's already scabby. You're tough. It's all ok."

Right under this calm veneer is a riled woman. So riled I'd take him out of that school in a split second, sue the pants outta those lousy teachers, put the boy behind bars (his parents and for that matter, his entire chope clan included), burn their only house to cinders, nothing less....and much more. But that's just me. That's just insane.

It's so hard to raise good, kind, loving, happy children. If he ever reads this, he too would grow up to be just like me? Nothing extremely wrong with that, I there? I honestly have no idea. Why aren't we taught anything useful, like correct parenting, in school? Other than calculate how much we ought to spend per diaper, what good is mathematics? I dunno.....

But right now, it feels better that I've let it out - albeit viciously, twice over. Feels much better.

Ok, ye who shall try and rile me further, hold your horses. My hormonal make-up is turbulent. Anything and everything will cause a spark. I know, I know, I already know. It's so hard as it is.


Blogger HairyDonut said...

It's not the hormones. I would have made a police report against the young boy. Cited that case in UK of underaged boys who killed a toddler. Asked for the boy to be taken out of the school and sent for counselling.

I find it hard to believe that you live in a country where parents aren't allowed to spank their kids and yet no action can be taken against bullies in the playground. I'm sure there is something you can do. PUT YOUR TYPING SKILLS TO THE TEST!

PS. Stacie is 3 months pregnant.

11:41 PM  
Blogger hon said...

Gosh.... I'd really don't know what I'd do in such a situation. I know that C went thru a stage when she would bite other kids in retaliation- once unprovoked according to the teachers. So I felt kinda guilty. However, she did also did get bitten more than a handful of times herself, a couple of times for no reason and I'd get messages from the teacher saying that she had been duly comforted, Zambuck applied, and the other kid's parents told of the situation. They'd never reveal the name of the bully though.

Not sure if kids G's age is also just going through a phase of acting out or if that boy was truly malicious. I guess if that happened again, I'd make sure I speak to the parents directly and threaten to pull my kid out unless the school does something more proactive to protect my child.

10:02 PM  
Blogger gremlin said...

if it happens again they will not see the light of day. just watch me take the whole system down if need be.

9:59 PM  
Blogger hon said...

hey, what happened to your Bratz & Belles site? Did it get hijacked?

5:32 AM  
Blogger HairyDonut said...

I call it the administration of justice. Someone has to do it. If my son can't do it himself, then so long as I'm strong enough then I'll be happy to step up.

I don't know what I'd do if I ever came face to face with a boy who has just finished bullying my son. Probably smack him in a place where the sun doesn't shine and the bruises don't show easily. Probably get sued too. What can I do? Sue back? Don't know.

2:09 AM  
Blogger gremlin said...

yeah, so I volunteered to press autumn leaves in wax paper the other day at my Man's school and lo n behold 'the bully' dared to appear and said jeeringly (am assuming to my Man who was standing close by) "cry baby! cry baby!" - how stupid of him. he didn't know THE MOTHER was sitting right in his face pressing leaves with a very hot, I wish I had, but I couldn't coz the teachers were around...but I sure did the finger wagging thing and a low but sure hiss "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT NOW. How dare you be so rude. No name-calling DO YOU UNDERSTAND." he apologised. but who cares. just wanted to scare him big time and I think it worked. the other children around him sorta scuttled off too, wide-eyed.

12:15 AM  

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