Wednesday, November 15, 2006

6 days later

Looking back, I'd do it again - only just because he's such darling.
But never again here. Shoot me if I forget.
My obstetrician's bedside manners will never leave me.

As he walked into the birthing room, and in spite of the pain, I greeted him with a 'hi'. He replied with "Are you ready to push?". He asked the same question (and glared the nurse into asking the same question) no fewer than 4 times in the span of 4-5 minutes. Contractions were coming fast and furious - every minute to be precise.

When I finally caved in (from peer pressure - nurse and obstetrician combined) , I honestly hadn't fathomed that just flipping over from my foetal position and splaying myself would be that difficult! So I got the, "Look at me. LOOK. AT. ME. What you're doing, you will only break your husband's hand. If you want the pain to go away, then stop concentrating your energies in your legs blah blah blah. RELAX your legs, blah blah blah and stop the screaming. Push like you're having a big bowel movement and get the baby out. "

He barked at both the nurse and the husband. They apparently weren't holding my legs down properly.

After it all, he says calmly, "You need sutures." then walks off to get the equipment! You woulda thought they'd be prepared since they prefer not to give episiotomies. But no. And I could feel every stitch, mind you.

Anyway, I can just about walk and sit today so, that's good. Ever sat in a sitz bath for 5 days running? Ever not been able to sit at all to eat, to nurse, to drink, to read, to watch tv, just to rest? It's just ridiculous really, all this suffering when a routine epidural, a neat episiotomy and decent painkillers would have done the job nicely and rather painlessly even after the event. Pfft.

The ass is aching again so gotta go.


Blogger HairyDonut said...

I dunno how you can stand the sitz bath. My butt went numb as I screamed and screamed.

7:03 PM  
Blogger hon said...

Sounds like the Torture Chambers! Can they deny you epidural?! Can you sue them? I'd seriously think about doing that if I were you. Stitches without any anaesthetic? For goodness sake, you're not caught up in a war you know.

But take heart, yr baby did turn out to be a cutie!

11:04 PM  
Blogger gremlin said...

oh he gave me an anaesthetic jab, he did. it made me jump - that's how gentle he was. he started suturing before the effect set in. talk about impatient. 10 mins flat is all he spent in there, then he was out the door with my husband, questioning if we were covered by MSP (the 'paid for' medical system here). wat was he thinking? that we're the birth and run type? pfft. incredible.

11:33 PM  
Blogger HairyDonut said...

Might have been less traumatic if you gave birth at home.

Or on a bus. I'm sure the people on the bus would've been more sympathetic.

6:05 PM  
Blogger gremlin said...

u dun say. am still mad at him. but the bub's a real joy and he's worth every minute of that torture. now at least I can hold n snuggle with the 'thing' that was wriggling inside of me and making me pee ever so often from occupying all that space meant really for my innards.

3:04 AM  

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